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By Dr. William L. Ury, Roger Fisher
ISBN-10: 0140157352
ISBN-13: 978-0140157352
By Dr. William L. Ury, Roger Fisher
ISBN-10: 0140157352
ISBN-13: 978-0140157352
Getting to Yes has sold over two million copies worldwide making it the best selling book in negotiations. It is recognized as one of the most effective and practical guides to negotiation and has helped millions of people secure win-win outcomes in constructive negotiations. This book cuts through the jargon to a few easily remembered principles that will guide you to success, no matter what the other side does.
Dr. William Ury has partnered with Wilson Learning for many years. Dr. Ury is a cofounder and Distinguished Senior Fellow of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation. He is coauthor of Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, a 15-million-copy best seller translated into more than 35 languages, and author of the award-winning Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations. The negotiation techniques in these books serve as the foundation for Wilson Learning’s Negotiating to Yes and Getting to Yes offerings.