Tom Roth
Chief Operating Officer,
Wilson Learning Corporation
We assist executive sales and leadership teams with employee engagement, salesforce development, leadership development, strategy alignment, business transformation, and workforce upskilling.
This requires a disciplined and dynamic approach in assessing, developing, delivering, reinforcing, and sustaining learning solutions.
The only way to achieve sustainable high performance over time is through employees who find a sense of purpose and meaning in their work, believing they are creating value for themselves and the future success of their organization, community, and society.
Our passion for helping people and organizations achieve Performance with Fulfillment began over 50 years ago and continues with fervor today. Only through both Performance with Fulfillment will employees commit their energy and talent to perform in a way that increases their ability to do their work themselves.
Our cornerstone value of “Win-Win Problem-Solving” shows up in the DNA of our time-tested principles and in our client relationships, defining and differentiating us.
Our experts around the world have partnered with national, multinational, and global organizations to identify performance gaps and develop transformational learning solutions that are recognized, reinforced, and sustained—producing real results.
Wilson Learning is a global company with an extensive network of experienced consultants and facilitators who work and live in over 50 countries. We understand the complexities involved in implementing a global training initiative and have successfully partnered with Fortune 1000/Forbes Global 2000 companies in providing consistent learning solutions, translated and transferred to fit local customs and cultures, down to the level of the local office.
Our global presence is represented through our people who live in the countries in which they work—they speak the language, they live the customs, and they know what it takes to run a successful business in their part of the world.
The Wilson Learning advantage is felt in our understanding and willingness to tackle what can be the enormity of developing and deploying a learning solution with organizational global impact—and doing so effectively and efficiently.