Overall Engagement
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disgree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
My work has special meaning to me: this is not “just a job.”
Leadership is actively working to create a positive work culture.
Culture of Opportunity
Leadership creates excitement around their view of where the organization is going.
I know my work contributes to the success of the organization.
Culture of Personal Accountability
I am held accountable for performing to the best of my ability.
I have a clear understanding of what actions are appropriate to meet my objectives.
Culture of Validation
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disgree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
Leadership shows a sincere interest in employees as people, not just as an employee.
Leadership makes it clear that everyone has a valued place in the organization.
Culture of Inclusion
Leadership keeps me informed about important issues.
Leadership seeks out and responds to suggestions and ideas.
Culture of Community
Employees support each other in their work.
People communicate in a way that shows a concern for mutual interests and mutual gain.