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Thank you for completing the Creating a Culture of Engagement audit.

Your personalized report is now available, packed with actionable insights.

Creating a Culture of
Engagement Audit Report

Dear Guest,

Thank you for completing the Creating a Culture of Engagement audit. This assessment focuses on how effectively your organization retains top talent while fostering a culture that drives engagement and productivity.


  • The term “leadership” refers to the overall leadership of your organization.
  • Responses should reflect the perspective of all employees in your organization.

Explore your report to uncover valuable steps to enhance engagement across your workforce.

Overall Engagement
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
Average Score
My work has special meaning to me: this is not “just a job.”

Leadership is actively working to create a positive work culture.

Insight:The role of leaders is to actively and intentionally work to create a culture of engagement. Leaders do this by

  • Being a positive role model for the beliefs, practices, customs, and behaviors you want shared by all employees
  • Encouraging all employees to understand and share those same beliefs, practices, customs, and behaviors
Culture of Opportunity
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
Average Score
Leadership creates excitement around their view of where the organization is going.

I know my work contributes to the success of the organization.

Insight:Engagement happens when people feel they are part of something important, and have something to believe in.

  • Leaders need to focus on creating what they want and ensuring potential success for the organization and its members reflecting a sense of realistic optimism.
  • Existing organizational vision/mission/strategy statements need to be used and communicated in the context of opportunity and potential.
  • Leaders need to ensure individuals understand the connection between their own value contribution, and the organization's ability to realize it’s potential.
Culture of Personal Accountability
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
Average Score
I am held accountable for performing to the best of my ability.

I have a clear understanding of what actions are appropriate to meet my objectives.

Insight:Engagement happens when people are expected to give their best and know what they are being held accountable for. When this is the case, personal accountability increases.

  • Performance goals are usually the focus of leaders’ efforts, when performance goals and behavioral expectations are clear true engagement happens.
  • Leaders need to overtly articulate their expectations for people and hold them accountable for fulfilling those expectations.
  • When leaders clarify what individuals will be held accountable for, the individuals can then hold themselves personally accountable.
Culture of Validation
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
Average Score
Leadership shows a sincere interest in employees as people, not just as an employee.

Leadership makes it clear that everyone has a valued place in the organization.

Insight:Engagement happens when people feel that they matter—that they have a valued place in the organization.

  • Systems and processes in place to reward, support, and develop people.
  • Leaders need to show interest in people by how they personally support, reward, and develop them.
  • Invariably, some people will leave the organization. Make sure the reason they leave is not because they feel they don’t matter.
Culture of Inclusion
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
Average Score
Leadership keeps me informed about important issues.

Leadership seeks out and responds to suggestions and ideas.

Insight:Engagement happens when people are well informed and involved, and have an opportunity to openly express thoughts and feelings. Simply stated, people want to feel “in” on things.

  • Inclusion naturally creates engagement. Suppressed communication naturally creates disengagement.
  • Systems exist that ensure information is always flowing and people are informed. Information flow is not solely dependent on the leader.
  • Trust begins with trusting leadership. A true measure of inclusion is the evidence that information sharing is occurring at all levels.
Culture of Community
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
Average Score
Employees support each other in their work.

People communicate in a way that shows a concern for mutual interests and mutual gain.

Insight:Engagement happens when people feel connected with each other, focus on mutual interest, and operate with shared responsibility.

  • Engagement cannot be sustained if people don’t have a sense of trust and support from their colleagues.
  • Leaders need to facilitate a high level of connectedness among and between people.
  • Leaders need to foster a mindset of collaboration based on mutual interest and shared responsibility.