Sales Enablement Technology: Friction or Flow?

By David Yesford, Ed Emde

The demand for efficiency and effectiveness has never been higher. But amidst the pressure to meet targets and engage clients, a critical question arises: does sales enablement technology truly propel us forward, or does it inadvertently create friction?

Cutting-edge sales enablement technology serves as a tool for driving efficiency and productivity. However, without a well-defined sales process and a consistent driving sales methodology, it can result in missed turns and disappointing results.

Download This Article and Discover:

  • The Underlying Obstacle: Uncover the surprising reason why sales technology can create friction instead of facilitating flow.
  • The Power of a Documented Process: How a clearly defined sales process optimizes workflows and enhances team performance.
  • The Winning Formula for Sales Enablement: Why a consistent sales methodology is essential for maximizing the return on investment in your technology stack.
  • A Practical Roadmap to Success: Access a practical checklist to evaluate your current sales enablement strategy and identify areas for improvement.

David Yesford

“David Yesford, Senior Vice President of Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc., brings along over 30 years of expertise in developing and implementing human performance improvement solutions across the globe. He is an active member of the Wilson Learning Global Executive Board, with current responsibility at a global level.

Mr. Yesford is the contributing author of Win-Win Selling, Versatile Selling, The Social Styles Handbook, The Sales Training Book 2, and several other books. He has been published in numerous business publications throughout the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific, and he is also a frequent speaker at international conferences and summits.”

Ed Emde

“Ed Emde, President of Wilson Learning Corporation, is responsible for business strategy and operations in the Americas. He has over 25 years of experience working directly with senior level executives in linking human resources and organizational development, training, and education initiatives to strategic imperatives and business outcomes.

He has held executive and leadership positions with several leading training and organizational development companies. Ed is published in numerous print and online business publications, including CLO magazine and Training magazine.”