It’s great to see you again!

Whether your learning programme was last week or last year, we are delighted to welcome you back.

We’re Wilson Learning and we believe people perform better when they feel fulfilled by the work they do. That’s why we’re on a mission to release people’s potential for organisations across the globe.

We’re going places, and together, so are you. Our approach is creative, collaborative, powered by insight and founded on years of experience. People are at the heart of who we are – and what we do.

How can we help?

If you’ve been on a Wilson Learning programme in the past and think we could help your organisation –

Tell us how best to contact you and one of our Learning Consultants will be in touch to discuss
your organisation’s development needs.

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If you’ve been on a Wilson Learning programme in the past, but could do with some tips and tools to help you apply your learning –

Select from the articles below for an immediate refresher or follow our LinkedIn page for daily updates.

The Counsellor Salesperson and Negotiating to Yes

Whether your focus was sales methodology, consultative selling or negotiating strategies, these articles will help you refresh your skills ready for real-world application and maximum sales meeting effectiveness.


Earning Trusted Advisor Status – and Benefits

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Selling to Value

The Art and Science of Discovery

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Negotiation: The New Customer Standard

5 Strategies for Sales Negotiations

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The Leader Manager, Social Styles and Signature Service

What is your social style? Driver, Amiable, Analytical or Expressive? Brush up your communication versatility here. Plus strengthen your leadership style and customer service differentiation skills with some practical and results oriented tips and tools.


Becoming a Leader People Choose to Follow

Effective Leadership Development

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Social Styles Versatile Communication

Avoiding the Hidden Costs of Communication Misalignment

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Customer Experience is the New Black

The Key to Revenue Generation in the 21st Century

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Enjoy career-long learning with Wilson Learning

Your learning experience doesn’t have to end when you click the leave button or walk out of the classroom! Over the course of your career your development needs will evolve, so access to practical, results-oriented tips, tools and resources could be handy. Keep in touch by submitting the contact form above or following Wilson Learning on LinkedIn for career boosting development insights.

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